Now that Summer School Is Over!

This semester I had the English professor from Hell! (not literally lol) He was the worst and Lets just say I stayed stressed out more on class and reading world literature then focused on working out and cutting out those extra carbs that I should have, well that I planned on doing.! So yeah for the last month I have been sleeping with school work and books in my bed and reading Hamlet, Oedipus, the Odyssey, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, and doing essays staying up at all hours of the night feeling so sleep deprived and depleted !!!

…Sighs…… Well I can either stay mad at my failed plan or get back to it and of course you know I am choosing to Get right back to my plan…..Lowering Carbs and Increasing my workouts ……

Who said losing weight was easy?…..I must say to those of you who feel like losing weight is impossible …No its not, but is it hard ? yes , Will there be days you want to quit? Sure!……Will it be that day you fall victim to that cupcake and eat it ? Oh YES!!! I have been here and actually there now… I still reap consequences like the rest by either maintaining the same weight, gaining a lb or two. Ive learned to not see my mistakes as complete failures of my lifestyle change which gets us back to were we started , especially with PCOS it is a constant battle that can easily be thrown off course. So I just know its not over and my goal can still be reached I just have to get myself together and thats mostly my mental state which is left in ruins thanks to my professor!!! LOL


So with that being said Let me get back to workout planning and working on my healthy eating habits book! and registering for fall semester (YAYY!!!) lol 


Keep up the Fight Don’t Quit !! Im right there with you! 🙂

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