Pearls ….

This is a trailer part of the documentary about PCOS called “Pearls” I just saw on PCOSAA.ORG and this made me tear up with many emotions because I know this pain she’s feeling ….Its been about three years and three years ago I started losing hair, my hair was thinning badly what was once a head full of hair was now becoming very thinned out. So I decided to just transition out of relaxers which I thought was the cause and it does have these same effects, As I was transitioning My natural hair even grew out brittle, no moisturizer or thickening products gave my hair justice, and it still continued to fall out, I was so fed up….and especially with the dandruff after trying all I could, I went back to relaxer, and my hair roughly stayed the same thinning and dry ….till I got my diagnosis and went to managing my PCOS with medication my hair stop shedding as much and the dandruff almost all went away, and now today my dandruff is about 95% gone Im back to transitioning my hair and now its growing in softer, I’m so happy to finally have my hair back to normal after all this time and with better care I hope to one day have the thinned spots back to fullness,……But stopping short of my new hair story which will be another entry, I just had to put this up because the TRUTH IS REAL PCOS is No JOKE , It takes you through some things but IT only Makes you/us STRONGER!

2 thoughts on “Pearls ….

  1. Hi, my name is Savana Fast. I saw your video, and it just really breaks my heart seeing everything that women go through dealing with PCOS. I too have pcos, and no that it is a struggle, and a hard battle. I started blogging to help reach out to others and give them tips of things that have helped me along my pcos journey. I will be hosting a phone call on Aug 6th. On my blog I have a link you can click on that tells all the info on it. I think it would be something that you might want to check out. I hope it will help you and if you ever want to talk or have questions, please feel free to do so. Keep your chin up and don’t give up! There is a light at the end of the tunnel 🙂

    • Thanks so much Savana!!! Im so happy more of us are able to connect and share stories and motivate each other, I will def check out the phone call info and your blog for more tips !


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